
I really wanted to work at Untold after seeing their money supermarket commercial with that bull and big scaly monster. Luckily there has been more creature work like this since I joined and I got the chance to work on a few of them.

Working in advertising taught me to work more efficiently due to the shorter timeframes. And I got to expand my generalist skills within the asset department.

Churchill – lighting

Short but a fun project to work on. I thought Churchill the dog looked great in the previous commercials so was excited to light him. This was done in Mantra and I was responsible for all the lighting.

Virgin Media – Lighting

This commercial was a real teamwork so I can’t claim one shot fully. But I did really enjoy setting up the shots and working together to get the best result out.

Goat – Lookdev

I didn’t actually work on this project but I did do lookdev on this goat Asset in collaboration with our character supervisor at that time.